Test equipment and testsClimate tests

Quality assurance under extreme conditions

Our climate tests ensure that your products function reliably even under exceptional climatic conditions. With precise, standard-compliant simulations in our climate chamber, we ensure that your products meet the highest quality standards. This includes durability and stability tests in accordance with internationally recognized standards such as PV 1200.

In many industries, it is crucial that products can withstand extreme temperature and humidity conditions. Our climate tests help you to check the robustness and durability of your products and ensure that they work reliably even under the most difficult conditions. This minimizes the risk of product failure and increases customer satisfaction.

We simulate various climate conditions in our climate chamber with temperature ranges from -40°C to +180°C and humidity levels from 0-98% relative humidity. These tests cover various aspects, including:

  • Material deformation: Shrinkage or expansion of the material
  • Material delamination: Verification of adhesion and integrity
  • Adhesive properties: Durability and stability of adhesives
  • Functional testing: Determination of the failure temperature for RFID/NFC tags and other security-relevant components

Your advantages

  • Reliability: Ensuring product functionality under extreme conditions
  • Quality assurance: Compliance with internationally recognized standards
  • Risk minimization: Reduction of product failures and increase in customer satisfaction
  • Flexibility: Implementation of individual tests, adapted to your specific requirements

Our test procedures

  • PV 1200 (cyclic climate change test)
  • Rapid tests: approx. 5 days
  • Long-term tests: approx. 10 days
  • Individual tests: customized test procedures according to your needs

Use our extensive expertise and modern test procedures to ensure the quality and durability of your products. Our experienced team is on hand with expert advice to help you find the perfect solution for your requirements. Contact us and discover how our climate tests can take your products to a new level of reliability and durability!

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