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Sustainability and responsibility in the RATHGEBER Group: a matter of honour!

Sustainability is the basis of our thinking and acting in the RATHGEBER Group. We respect and protect what makes life on earth worth living here and now and in the future. Our focus is not on short-term profits, but reaches across generations.

Climate and environmental protection RATHGEBER | © RATHGEBER GmbH & Co. KG

Corporate Social Responsibility is firmly anchored in our DNA

As a medium-sized family business operating throughout Europe, we take responsibility for our actions - ecologically, economically and socially.

RATHGEBER has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact for more than 10 years and is committed to complying with the 10 principles.

We want to play a positive role in shaping the world in which we all live and work together. After all, the prosperity of all of us depends not least on an intact environment, a secure social environment and a stable political framework. It is in our interest to always reconcile profitable growth with ecological and social aspects.

In order to transparently present how we assume responsibility for the environment and society, we have prepared the RATHGEBER Group's first sustainability report for the 2020/2021 period.

In order to transparently present how we assume responsibility for the environment and society, we voluntarily prepare a sustainability report every two years. The second report for the period 2022/2023 will be published in 2024. Until then, you can read the first sustainability report of the RATHGEBER Group for the years 2020/2021.

The newly developed Code of Conduct of the RATHGEBER Group serves as orientation so that the existing values and duties are lived throughout the company and they are anchored in daily actions.

Ecology, economy, social commitment

Ecology - Environment and Climate | © RATHGEBER GmbH & Co. KG


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Economy - sustainable action and economic success | © RATHGEBER GmbH & Co. KG


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Social commitment - Responsibility inside and outside the company | © RATHGEBER GmbH & Co. KG

social commitment

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Corporate Social Responsibility is supported and lived by everyone at the RATHGEBER Group

Your contact persons:

Ulrike Morio | © Fotografin: Sophie von Beerfelde - RATHGEBER GmbH & Co. KG
Ulrike Morio
CSR-Management Phone: +49 89 613007 36
Erik Wagner | © smart-TEC GmbH & Co. KG
Erik Wagner
CSR-Management Phone: +49 89 613007 75

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